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What is a Safety Plan?

A safety plan is an individualized written action plan designed to help reduce the risk of further victimization. A person can have many individualized safety plans, each focusing on a different aspect of their life. For example, a victim may have safety plans: Safety at Home, Safety at Work, Keeping Children Safe, etc.

What is Safety Planning?

Safety planning is an active process where each safety plan created requires ongoing review and revision as situations and risks influencing your or your children’s safety can sometimes change.

What is Cyber Safety?

Cyber Safety is knowing certain safety risks when using the internet. While the internet is a beautiful tool to gather information, learn from others and connect with family and friends, it can also be a dangerous place where predators seek out the vulnerable to cause anything from financial, emotional and physical harm.  

Learning the risks and utilizing the tools to keep you and your loved ones safe online is the first step to being Cyber Safe.

Watch a video on Cyber Safety Planning by Victim Services Quinte here. 

How can Victim Services help?

Victim Services offers safety planning and cyber safety resources to all victims who feel their personal or children’s safety is at risk from further violence.

To access support with creating a safety plan or resources on cyber safety, don't hesitate to get in touch with our office. 

Preparing in advance for the possibility of the future violence is important. Although an individualized safety plan is not a guarantee of my personal safety, it can help by providing me with the knowledge and tools that will help to get myself and my children to safety.