VQRP (Victim Quick Response Program) offers timely financial compensation to victims of the most violent crimes who have no other financial means to access the help they need for emergency expenses, funeral expenses and counselling.
The VQRP is designed to assist victims of:
Homicide (including attempted murder)
Serious physical assault
Domestic violence
Sexual assault
Hate crimes
VQRP Objective:
To lessen the impact of violent crime through immediate support services to victims
To increase the immediate safety of victims of violent crime
Who Can Apply For Financial Assistance?
The victim
An immediate family member on behalf of the victim
A custodial guardian of a victim, who is a minor child
An individual with legal authority to act on behalf of a victim who has special needs
You May Qualify if:
The crime occurred in Ontario, on or after June#0, 2007
The victim is a resident of Ontario
The crime was reported to the police or a victim service agency, i.e., victim services, domestic violence shelter, sexual assault centre, hospital or community agency providing service to a victims of domestic/sexual assault
The request is made within 14 business days of the crime being reported
There is an immediate need for emergency expenses
There are no other financial resources available, i.e., insurance, workplace Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support program, etc.
The victim has not previously received funding from VQRP for the same criminal offence
The funds are expended in Ontario
Victim Services will:
Meet with and asses the victim's need for emergency funding and confirm that eligibility requirements have been met
Assist the victim to complete the Referral Form
Provide a list of service providers that can meet the needs of the victim
Arrange for the provision of emergency services selected by the victim and provide payment to the local service providers
Financial Assistance for:
Funeral Expenses for victims of homicide. Maximum: $5,000 for eligible families of homicide victims
Short term immediate Counselling Services. Maximum $1,000 for up to 10 sessions when publicly funded counselling services are not available.
Funding to cover Emergency Expenses to a combined maximum, per occurrence, not to exceed $1000 for:
Transportation costs for the most economical and practical means of travel for one family member to identify a homicide victim or, support a victim with a serious injury as a result of a violent crime.
Emergency Home Repairs to secure premises for immediate safety of the victims. Examples include: Installation of plywood sheets over broken windows; replacement of broken door locks; repair/replace primary telephone or cell phone if existing one is broken; repair cut telephone, gas lines; install deadbolt or bars to enhance safety.
Emergency Childcare/ Dependent Care for Elderly or Special Needs Dependents to enable a family member to identify a victim who has suffered serious injury as a result of violent crime.
Emergency Accommodations and Meals where there are no secure housing options available.
Crime Scene Cleanup for costs incurred in crime scene cleanup where the use of a licensed/ specialized company to clean up bodily fluids is required.